I have despised Mike Pence longer than most of you, even before he was that fuckin’ conservative prick in Congress from 2001-2012, even before he was that motherfucking governor who refused to allow a needle exchange program in a town with a high rate of HIV (until he prayed and partially gave in). Yeah, see, I was damned to live in Indiana in the late-1990s when Pence was a right-wing radio twatmite, advocating for laws against adultery and railing against the cartoon Mulan for daring to say that women could be in the military with men and hating on LGBT people with a fervor that could only be described as protesting way, way too much. When I say, “Fuck him in every hole from ass to eye,” I mean it.
So if I say anything that is perceived as a kind word about him, just know that I really think he’s lower than worm shit.