There is absolutely no reason to feel guilty or bad because you found comfort in New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s daily press briefings during the lockdown early in the coronavirus pandemic. While President Bumblefuck Magoo was prancing around and lying about the severity of the situation while shitting on anyone who would dare ask the federal government to do more, Cuomo was a soothing voice of calm, seemingly honest and straightforward, ready to challenge Donald Trump, and, holy fuck, we just needed that.
You can still appreciate that. I don’t feel ashamed that I enjoyed Bill Cosby’s comedy for decades. But now, I feel awful for his victims, first and foremost, and, way down the list of Cosby fallout, I can’t see him or listen to him without being viscerally repulsed. That’s the only rational reaction. The point here is that you can have thought one way about Cuomo in March 2020 and now think the complete opposite in March 2021 (and as an employee of the state of New York, I’ve thought in many ways about him).