1. At some point in the future, barring democracy’s end, a Democrat will be president. Let’s say for shits and giggles that it’s, oh, hell, how about Alyssa Milano? Sure. Why not. Let’s say that it’s election time and Donald Trump, Jr. decides it’s time to throw his dumpy ass into the mix. And let’s say, and, why not, Junior’s the frontrunner because, hell, Republicans have got no one else. Maybe Junior will have opened a Trump Tower in Jerusalem in the last few years, and that meant doing a lot of business with wealthy people in Israel. Now, as we know, there are politicians (Netanyahu) in Israel who are tits-deep in corruption. We also know that the United States gives a fuck-ton of money in aid to Israel, along with military equipment.
Read the rest of The Rude Pundit’s piece at his blog…